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Vicotee installs indoor climate sensors at Hallermoen primary school in Drammen

By 4. November 2022November 8th, 2022No Comments

Helps Hallermoen to to monitor and control their indoor air quality

Hallermoen primary school, have chosen to sensor up their buildings with Vicotee’ s smart sensor technology to monitor and control their indoor air quality. According to a study by NTNU, a large amount of existing schools and buildings in Norway are still using undersized and conventional exhaust ventilation, which may result in an undesired indoor climate for good health.

– Pupils and school staff spends a large amount of time indoors. Research shows that breathable air free of health threatening pollutants can lead to a higher quality of life, lower risk of respiratory illnesses, and a reduced risk of various chronic conditions. Indoor air quality is especially important for learning performance, says Leif Erik Havnen, CEO at Vicotee.

Pollution and heat impair learning

– For us it is important to gain accurate and reliable information about our indoor climate to ensure that pupils and staff stay healthy and happy, says Ingvild Waage, principal at Hallermoen Primary School.

Smart sensors connected to an intelligent data cloud.

– Indoor air quality is strongly connected to good health and wellbeing. Research indicates that pollution and heat impair learning performance. We take indoor climate very seriously and that is why we have chosen to team up with Vicotee and their smart sensor systems, Waage adds.

Vicotee’ s wireless sensors gives your building senses and helps you gain the necessarily knowledge to optimize your indoor air quality by analyzing data over time. It makes it easier to conduct required internal controls and provides accurate and reliable data on the indoor air quality. In addition to measuring and monitoring the indoor air quality, Vicotee’s solution will also indicate what measures are needed to improve the factors affecting the indoor air quality.

Identify key factors affecting the indoor climate

The indoor climate and air quality are affected by several factors, for instance: ventilation, temperatures, CO2 levels, and air humidity.

6th grade students at Hallermoen Primary School was introduced to Vicotee’ s smart sensor technology.

– Our cooperation with Hallermoen, gives us the opportunity to capture air quality data and analyze the data over time. The data gives us important statistics on the state of the breathable air and insight into key factors affecting the indoor climate. Our mission is to gather and analyze data to identify which measures will have the greatest positive impact on the indoor climate, says Leif Erik Havnen, CEO at Vicotee

Measures that can help improve the indoor climate could be increasing ventilation flow during the day, introducing routines for natural ventilation during breaks, and improving the cleaning routines of classrooms.

Make data available

Data from indoor climate sensors, combined with information about how pupils and employees experience the indoor climate can provide new opportunities for identifying challenges, identifying the right measures, and create new tools that engage and involve the users of the school buildings.

– Vicotee offer smart sensors connected to an intelligent data cloud. Our cloud collect and store information about the indoor climate and makes the data available to the users. With our system you get real-time data and regular reports on the indoor climate, Havnen says.

Ingvild Sedahl

Ingvild Sedahl is a communications professional with over ten years of experience within the high-tech industry. Sedahl holds a master’s degree in media studies from the University of Oslo and a Bachelor of Communications from Edith Cowan University.